Thursday 20 February 2014

3D Printshow: New York // press

There's been plenty of interesting press from our 3D Printshow fashion event last week - I'm particularly amused by my interview feature on CNN Money's coverage of the show.

Whilst there is still plenty of hype surrounding 3D printing, people are still confused as to what it is and how it can relate to fashion. Admittedly, we're still along way off from realizing the dream of printing your own clothes in your own home. And additionally, we don't have much to offer yet in terms of 3D printed flexible materials. But last week we presented the start of what we believe is the next major turning point in the fashion industry - and it is exciting. We're currently at the point of producing piece-together outfits and 3d printed fashion accessories and artifacts, which are stunningly impressive at best, and aesthetically interesting at worst. Maybe next time, a presentation - rather than a runway show - will work better.

Either way, it was fascinating to witness the public's reaction to what I've been sourcing and working on for the last few months.